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12 produkter

Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener - Carbon Black.The Tormek T-1 Carbon Black on a stone counter with a person cutting leeks on a cutting board.
Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener i färgen Zinc GrayA person cutting tomatos on a cutting board and in the top corner is a Tormek T-1 Zinc Gray
Tormek T-1 Morakniv 1891Tormek T-1 Morakniv 1891 in a kitchen
Tormek T-1 Morakniv 1891 REA-pris€400,00
A Tormek T-1 Morakniv 1891 with an Morakniv Classic  1891 Utility Knife Tormek T-1 Morakniv 1891 on a gray kitchen bench with Morakniv x Tormek branded kitchen knife.
A Morakniv x Tormek 1891 utility knife classic with a red handle in birch A Morakniv x Tormek 1891 utility knife classic on a kitchen towel in a kitchen
Tormek T-1 Florentine VibrantNärbild på det unika handtaget från Florentine Knives på Tormek T-1 Florentine Vibrant
An exchange clamp for the guide of Tormek T-1a sideview of a exchange clamp for the guide on Tormek T-1
EM-15 Tormek Edge Marker PenHow to use the Tormek Marker Method
Tuschpenna för eggen REA-pris€4,60
Two knives with wood handles with Tormek edge protectors on in sizes 60 mm and 36 mmAn Tormek edge protector for 36 mm knife blades
Knivskydd (5 pack) REA-prisFrån €6,70
DF-150 Conical Diamond Wheel Tormek
Conical Diamond Wheel Fine REA-pris€131,00
PW-160 Conical Composite Honing Wheel
Konisk kompositbrynskiva REA-pris€92,00
A set of protecting pads for the patented guide on Tormek machinesClose-up of the patented guide on a Tormek T-1 for showing where the knife protection pads are located.
Knivskyddsfilt (2 pack) REA-pris€6,00